Friday, June 6, 2008

Grilling pizza

We're about to hit three-digit weather again, so last night we took advantage of the cool, 95-degree night and grilled out.

Grilling the pizzas

That's Jason's anti-vegan pizza on the left, and my virtuous vegan one on the right. (Mine looks bigger, but I swear it's just perspective. We are all about equality, even down to our dough balls.)

Vegan Hawaiian pizza

The Hawaiian pizza thing didn't work as well as I'd hoped. I used some sort of vegan deli slices that were pretty flavorless, especially after being grilled. I need to find something saltier to mimic ham.

Any suggestions?

The pineapple was damn tasty, though.


Vegan Dad said...

My version of Hawaiian pizza is here. I skipped the ham and went with sausage.

Maggie said...

Mmmm. Your version looks so much better than mine!

I have much to learn.

Anonymous said...

omLast night I ordered a pizza with pineapple and kalamata (calamata?) olives on it. The kalamatas are much more salty and briney than normal black olives and it worked really well together for that salty kick.

Also there is this stuff called bacon salt sold here it is vegetarian but I have not checked to see if it is vegan. A lot of weight watchers ladies swear by this stuff.

Maggie said...

Bacon salt -- that's genius! I never would have thought of that.

Also, I had kalamata olives in the fridge, I just didn't think to use them. I'll give it a try next time. Thanks for the suggestion!