Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Green smoothie

Green smoothie

Because I still don't get enough greens in my diet, I've been blending them into my morning smoothies.

This one is made of strawberries, a few chunks of frozen mango, half a frozen banana, almond milk, maple syrup and a fistful of frozen spinach.

No, you can't taste the spinach. I promise.

The Shrek glass, however, is a necessity.


Anonymous said...

I'm afraid of green smoothies but if you say so...

I need to add more greens into my diet, too.

Maggie said...

I was afraid for the longest time too!

The spinach you really can't taste. I did overload on kale once, though.

Kristen's Raw said...

Green Smoothies ROCK :) I love adding cinnamon and nutmeg to mine, too.

They're soooooooo good for you!


Anonymous said...

I love green smoothies! Thanks for the recipe--I'll have to try it out!
~Erin @ "Vegan & the City"

Lisa (Show Me Vegan) said...

I've yet to try a smoothie, but the idea of getting in a big dose of spinach at breakfast sounds so nutritious.